Monday, June 15, 2009

I am back from Bend. My son and daughter-in-law moved so I went over to help. They both thanked me profusely and I told them I liked doing it. Not exactly the truth I confess. I do like being with them and helping. It is the actual physical exertion required by the verb move. Up stairs and down stairs. Up stairs and down stairs. It was neat though to see them happy in their new home that they just purchased. Maybe with purchasing they will stay in one spot? 

The things we do as parents for the love of our children. I figure I am depositing into the bank because you know that I am going to need help one day. I have already collected some by having them put up my greenhouse for me.  Oh, one good thing about the new house - single level home. Very nice.

Hi, Cat. I was totally thunderstruck to see that you found me. My first (and probably only) follower. I am honored seeing how it was reading your blog (btw last posts were wonderful!!) that got me started with my ramblings, uh I mean blogs. 

1 comment:

  1. Ah, moving. Reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw, "Yes, it's my truck. No, I won't help you move."


    I don't know why, but helping someone move seems like it IS a lot of work. But at least you don't have to do it every day. Unless you are employed by a moving company, I suppose... And yes, possibly purchase will make them more inclined to stick around. It eventually worked for us. Now. Third times the charm. Heh. (So far, anyway...)

    GREENHOUSE? I am SO jealous!

    Hi! Hey, you were one of my first readers, so I have to see what YOU are up to!
