The things we do as parents for the love of our children. I figure I am depositing into the bank because you know that I am going to need help one day. I have already collected some by having them put up my greenhouse for me. Oh, one good thing about the new house - single level home. Very nice.
Hi, Cat. I was totally thunderstruck to see that you found me. My first (and probably only) follower. I am honored seeing how it was reading your blog (btw last posts were wonderful!!) that got me started with my ramblings, uh I mean blogs.
Ah, moving. Reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw, "Yes, it's my truck. No, I won't help you move."
I don't know why, but helping someone move seems like it IS a lot of work. But at least you don't have to do it every day. Unless you are employed by a moving company, I suppose... And yes, possibly purchase will make them more inclined to stick around. It eventually worked for us. Now. Third times the charm. Heh. (So far, anyway...)
GREENHOUSE? I am SO jealous!
Hi! Hey, you were one of my first readers, so I have to see what YOU are up to!