Tuesday, June 16, 2009

So, here I am again. This could become habit forming. 

Today I am trying my hand at adding photos. These are my cats:
Original huh? She is a sweet cat.
She and Sadie are sisters or so I was told. I got them as a result of their owner having to go into a nursing home and my kids not wanting them to go to a shelter. Remember, I am  a soft touch. 

She is a shy sweet cat. She will not generally let you touch her unless she is pretty sure you will not try to pick her up. If she wants to be petted, she lets you know. Otherwise you don't see her. She is very timid. Sweet but timid.

This is my trouble maker. She was abandoned and nearly starved when I first saw her eating out of my scrap bucket out on the porch. My husband took her down to the barn because he is afraid I will become a "crazy cat lady". This could be a serious threat I admit. The barn is a half mile away. He thought she would make a nice barn cat "down there". She had other ideas, hence her name. She beat him "home up here". 

She is the instigator and the rebel rouser. She elicits hisses and scowls from the other two. She wants to play? Maybe. Sometimes yes, other times I think she just wants to get a rise out of the other two. I would love to have her cuddle with me and let me pet her. She has the softest fur. So, who does she choose to curl up with night after night? Yup. The dude that tried to relocate her. Not the person that feeds her. Oh well. She is curled up on the paper shredder in the office right now. She dozes while I blog and she does let me pick her up unlike Sadie but I am not her first choice when it comes to soft warm laps to wile away the afternoon or evening with. Could have something to do with the fact that I tend to jump up periodically to "do stuff". Dishes, computer, etc. Curt mainly stays put. Watches TV, dozes. I guess they make a good pair. She keeps his lap warm and he gives her a stable dozing area with fewer interruptions. 

My Greenhouse:
I LOVE my greenhouse. I am so glad that I finally have one. I go out and tinker in it most every night after I get home from work. Just noticed this is the back view. Hold on. Let me see if I can find a picture of the front.

This is the front and this is a gorgeous bougainvillea (thank Heaven for spell check) that lives in my green house.  I also have strawberries and veggies and herbs. 

Okay, I guess it is time to go "do something". 

1 comment:

  1. I knew about Callie and Sade, didn't know about Yoyo for some reason... Hmm. You are a long way from Crazy Cat Lady. Not by choice, but at one time I had 19 cats. Mostly people dumping. That's why I am such a militant about getting animals "fixed". If you don't, they leak little litters all over...

    And yes, just 'cuz you feed them, doesn't mean they are your personal love. BUT, they are cats, so it follows. Them and teenagers...

    (drool) Greenhouse. Want one. (drool) I don't know what the B. flower is, but if it smells as nice as it looks, I bet your green house must be great to be in!

    See? You have to go do something, so Yoyo has no more "seating"! HA!
