Thursday, October 1, 2009

Today was the first of October. I actually got all my work done at work and was at a loss as to what to do. I did a little ahead so it should be easier tomorrow. I came home, watered the greenhouse plants and looked at the teeny tiny little spinach plants that are starting to poke up thru the soil. I also planted some lettuce. I was wanting to plant some cole crop but alas tis almost winter the stores say and no one is planting a garden at this time of year. I will need to make sure I put in a supply of seeds next spring. And I ate a strawberry. They are so good. I also have a supply of cat grass aka wheat that I start in the green house and bring in for the cats. Two of my cats adore it and will set upon it as soon as it is put down by their scratching post. The other cat doesn't seem to want to partake. Well, now I need to go upstairs and see if I can make sense of all the clutter up there. That is where my sewing machines and stationary bike is and for a long while I couldn't get to them. Now I can get to them but I want to organize all my material, yarn, craft stuff etc so I know where it is and it is not scattered in numerous plastic containers at odd ends of the room.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, the 'slice of life' blog!

    I envy you the spinach, I didn't plant any, Husband DESPISES spinach, so I just plant a little for myself and Rudee, but didn't get to it this time. (Yes, my dog likes spinach, go figure. Husband thinks we are both nuts.) Do you want some catnip? I have a plant or two I could share!

    OOOoooh, the clutter room. I won't even talk about mine. Actually I have blogged about it several times, but that's about as far as it's gone. I keep trying to decide, should it stay, should it go. Then I threaten to get a metal barrell and burn the whole thing. Husband doesn't like this idea for some reason... He dislikes my "D-8 cat and bulldoze the room" idea even less. Philistine...

    But yes, putting like items, ie yarn, fabric, etc, in easy see, easy access containers does seem to help. Until you have zillions of containers...
